Friday 30 May 2008

My black eye

I have had dark circles under my eyes for weeks now. There's something about the quality of revision sleep that means it isn't refreshing, no matter how many or few hours you get. I'm constantly sleepy, possibly because I have been constantly bored by revision. Pathology and surgery and now done I think, and just haematology and oncology to go before I give up on medicine as well and move on to practise questions. The dark circles I think will stay until after the post-exam drinking.

Now, though, I have one eye with an extra-dark circle. And a small claw mark. My parent's new kitten thought surgery revision looked boring too, and decided to help cheer me up by playing with my ponytail. When he fell over my shoulder and onto my lap he looked up into my glassy eyes and I was cheered up. So far, so good Mr Kitten. But then he saw some escaped hair hanging over my eyes. He sized it up and jumped, perfectly swiping the hair in mid-flight. And catching me square in the eye on the follow-through. Oh well, it was worth it since he's so cute.

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