Monday 15 October 2007

Foundation Training Application forms

I think this is the hardest bunch of pointless questions I have had to answer! There is something about the format that makes me anxious just looking at it.  The worst question for me is thinking of an example of prioritising information.  

"Describe one example from your undergraduate medical training of your ability to prioritse tasks and information from any clincial or educational area.  What was the outcome, what have you learned and how will you apply this to foundation training?"  

I know I prioritise things non-stop all day, like whether to go to clinic or the computer room, whether to clerk a patient or drink coffee and read the paper...  But I cannot think of a decent, clinical example.  I am starting to get quite stressed about the whole thing. 


The Little Medic said...

I agree, that is a bit of a stupid question. All medical degrees are about prioritising information in general anyway.

Are you applying to stay in London out of interest?

Bible Believing Christian said...

I'm in the same boat. I've been putting off this form for the last 2 weeks and haven't really went to any of the extra 'help' to fill out the form sessions. I was under the illusion that common sense would get me through it.

But after spending 2 hours to think of an example of my professionalism... stress levels high also.

I just found your blog through googling foundation forms - can I subscribe to different feeds using this site? i.e. your blog?