Wednesday, 8 August 2007

One down, one to go

Well, we have discovered that written exams are not my forte.  EMQs are a funny format and only work of the question is well written.  The ones yesterday were too ambiguous.  Lets just hope I can recover things a bit on the OSCE tomorrow...

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Oh dear, exams melt the brain

I have been frantically avoiding revision for weeks now. And I still have managed to do some Obs reading. Shame about the Gynae and the Inf. Diseases. Ah well, the career system is so stuffed up anyway a few exams down the pan won't matter anyway. If the MTAS lottery is still in place I could be straight As or scraped by and still get the same job random allocation.

If anyone has any top tips for O&G last-minute revision do let me know...